Contract usage examples

All transaction in EOS-based blockchain are executed by smart contracts. litewax have abigen for generate .py files from contract abi which will got from node.

For example, we can generate contract:

$ python -c "from litewax import Contract; Contract('eosio.token')"

Then we can use to call eosio.token contract:

from contracts.eosio_token import eosio_token
contract = eosio_token(actor='alice', permission='active')
single_action = contract.transfer('alice', 'bob', '1.00000000 WAX', 'memo')

You also can send transaction without any litewax Client. Only with generated contract file:

from contracts.eosio_token import eosio_token
contract = eosio_token(actor='alice', permission='active')
    contract.transfer('alice', 'bob', '1.00000000 WAX', 'memo')

For easy iteracting with any contract, litewax have Contract function, which create a .py contract file, dynamicly import it and return initialized contract object:

from litewax import Contract
contract = Contract('eosio.token', actor='alice')
single_action = contract.transfer('alice', 'bob', '1.00000000 WAX', 'memo')

Also you can use Contract function in Client object:


If you use Contract function in Client object, you don’t need to specify actor in contract constructor, but may specify permission if need.

from litewax import Client
client = Client(private_key='5K...', '')
contract = client.Contract('eosio.token')
single_action = contract.transfer('alice', 'bob', '1.00000000 WAX', 'memo')