Different ways to set a payer for CPU

Simple template

All transactions in EOS-based blockchains use the CPU to process transaction by node. See CPU bandwidth for understanding how CPU works.

In litewax you can set the payer of the CPU for a transaction. Before, import and initialize 2 clients, one for the payer and one for the sender.

from litewax import Client, WAXPayer

# create sender Client instance
sender = Client(private_key='5K1...')

# create payer Client instance
payer = Client(private_key='5K2...')

Next: Create a Transaction.

# create transaction
trx = sender.Transaction(
        quantity='1.00000000 WAX',

Now, set the payer of the CPU for the Transaction. Payer can be set in different ways:

trx = trx.payer(payer)
  • by litewax.payers.AtomicHub. If you don’t have enough CPU, and actions in whitelist by atomichub like: atomicassets.transfer(). (Only WAX mainnet)

trx = trx.payer(WAXPayer.ATOMICHUB)
  • by litewax.payers.NeftyBlocks. If actions in whitelist by neftyblocks like: neftyblocksd.claim_drop(). (Only WAX mainnet and testnet)

trx = trx.payer(WAXPayer.NEFTYBLOCKS)
from litewax import MultiClient

# create MultiClient instance
client = MultiClient(private_keys=['5K1...', '5K2...', '5K3...'])

# create transaction.
# 1st client send 1 WAX to 2nd client,
# 2nd client send 1 WAX to 1st client,
# 3rd client pay CPU.
trx = sender.Transaction(
    # some 1st action
        quantity='1.00000000 WAX',

    # some 2nd action
        quantity='1.00000000 WAX',

    # add last action for pay CPU. You can use any contract and action. litewax owner created a custom empty contract, which has only one .noop() action in mainnet and testnet.

Last step: Push transaction.

# send transaction


If you set the payer of the CPU for the transaction, you must have enough CPU for the payer. If you don’t have enough CPU, you can delegate CPU to the payer.

See Delegate CPU for more information.


from litewax import Client, MultiClient, WAXPayer

# 1. create sender and payer Client instances
sender = Client(private_key='5K1...')
payer = Client(private_key='5K2...')

# or create MultiClient instance
# client = MultiClient(private_keys=['5K1...', '5K2...', '5K3...'])

# 2. create transaction with sender
trx = sender.Transaction(
        quantity='1.00000000 WAX',

# or create payed transaction with MultiClient
# create transaction.
# 1st client send 1 WAX to 2nd client,
# 2nd client send 1 WAX to 1st client,
# 3rd client pay CPU.
# trx = sender.Transaction(
#     # some 1st action
#     client[0].Contract('eosio.token').transfer(
#         _from=client[0].name,
#         to=client[1].name,
#         quantity='1.00000000 WAX',
#         memo='memo'
#     ),
#     # some 2nd action
#     client[1].Contract('eosio.token').transfer(
#         _from=client[1].name,
#         to=client[0].name,
#         quantity='1.00000000 WAX',
#         memo='memo'
#     ),
#     # add last action for pay CPU. You can use any contract and action. litewax owner created a custom empty contract, which has only one .noop() action in mainnet and testnet.
#     client[2].Contract('litewaxpayer').noop()
# )

# 3. set payer of the CPU for the transaction
trx = trx.payer(payer)

# or set atomichub as a payer
# trx = trx.payer(WAXPayer.ATOMICHUB)

# or set neftyblocks as a payer
# trx = trx.payer(WAXPayer.NEFTYBLOCKS)

# 4. send transaction
resp = trx.push()
# {"transaction_id": "b0e...", ...}